Hudson Institute Events Podcast

Supreme Allied Commanders on the Past, Present, and Future of NATO

Episode Summary

To discuss the evolution of NATO warfighting capabilities and the state of the alliance, join Hudson for a conversation with four former supreme allied commanders Europe.

Episode Notes

On July 10, President Joe Biden will gather fellow North Atlantic Treaty Organization leaders in Washington to celebrate 75 years of the alliance and chart a direction for the way ahead. Over the course of NATO’s existence, warfare has changed in dramatic ways, punctuated by offset strategies and revolutions in military affairs. Today, the large-scale war in Ukraine is spawning battlefield innovations, which the alliance is attempting to process and understand. 

To discuss the evolution of NATO warfighting capabilities and the state of the alliance, please join NATO Public Forum think tank consortium members Hudson Institute, the Center for a New American Security (CNAS), the Atlantic Council, the German Marshall Fund of the United States, and GLOBSEC for a conversation with four supreme allied commanders Europe (SACEURs): Generals Wes Clark (1997–2000), Phil Breedlove (2013–2016), Curtis Scaparrotti (2016–2019), and Tod Wolters (2019–2022).

Peter Rough, senior fellow and director of the Center on Europe and Eurasia, will moderate the discussion.