Hudson Institute Events Podcast

Japan’s Cyber and Energy Security

Episode Summary

Last year, Tokyo released its newest National Security Strategy, National Defense Strategy, and Defense Buildup Program. These ambitious documents mark a significant shift in Japan’s strategic and defense postures. Hudson Institute’s Japan Chair hosts two professors from Keio University—Dr. Motohiro Tsuchiya and Prof. Koichiro Tanaka—to discuss the hurdles Tokyo needs to overcome to improve its active cyber defense and transition to different energy sources for both civilian and military use.

Episode Notes

Last year, Tokyo released its newest National Security Strategy, National Defense Strategy, and Defense Buildup Program. These ambitious documents mark a significant shift in Japan’s strategic and defense postures. Hudson Institute’s Japan Chair hosts two professors from Keio University—Dr. Motohiro Tsuchiya and Prof. Koichiro Tanaka—to discuss the hurdles Tokyo needs to overcome to improve its active cyber defense and transition to different energy sources for both civilian and military use.